all postcodes in PL22 / LOSTWITHIEL

find any address or company within the PL22 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL22 0AB 26 1 50.407288 -4.671292
PL22 0AD 12 5 50.406948 -4.670809
PL22 0AE 4 0 50.407763 -4.670179
PL22 0AF 13 2 50.407817 -4.670562
PL22 0AG 23 1 50.40839 -4.670679
PL22 0AH 37 0 50.407938 -4.671582
PL22 0AJ 17 2 50.409563 -4.674067
PL22 0AL 6 0 50.4086 -4.672492
PL22 0AN 6 0 50.408936 -4.671202
PL22 0AP 10 0 50.409983 -4.671444
PL22 0AQ 20 0 50.408712 -4.670753
PL22 0AR 14 0 50.40964 -4.673057
PL22 0AS 17 0 50.409299 -4.67263
PL22 0AT 17 0 50.410351 -4.674224
PL22 0AU 6 0 50.408473 -4.672835
PL22 0AW 9 0 50.409028 -4.671869
PL22 0AX 27 0 50.407724 -4.672654
PL22 0AY 6 0 50.407366 -4.672958
PL22 0AZ 2 0 50.409076 -4.678303
PL22 0BA 8 0 50.410058 -4.676375